Brittney's mother - Brittney is the DU Bookstore's Law and General Book Buyer - visited the Bookstore today. Brittney's mother is a sales person for a clothing company, and not too long ago worked at the Fort Lewis College Bookstore in Durango. I asked her if it was true, as Brittney claims, that she put Brittney to work at the Fort Lewis Bookstore at the age of five. Much to my surprise, she confirmed it. All this time, I thought Brittney was exaggerating. In any case, the DU Bookstore has lots of child labor available to it. Dave B.'s son Ryan, Marty's son Carson, Brittneys' two children, Addison and Clark, and Noah's two kids, Adelaide and Sidney, could really help out the store. Thanks to George W. Bush's "Restore America's Competitiveness Act," it is now legal to hire children who are at least 5 years old as long as they don't work more than 60 hours per week. We could save a fortune, if my boss Tristy would only give the okay. Why the hell not?