Sunday, February 23, 2014

Off To See The Wizard

I finished work around 3:00 in the afternoon a few days ago, and it was such a nice day that I decided to walk downtown and take the Light Rail home instead of the bus.  I made my way down trendy 17th street, passing dozens of ultra hip bars, bistros, and coffee shops.  They all seemed to be doing a box office business - it is just amazing how many people (mostly in their 20s) have the afternoon off these days. However, when I got to the 16th Street Mall, Denver's main drag, I noticed a very disturbing thing - we seem to have a big wizard problem downtown.  They are everywhere, walking around in their brightly colored robes and pointed hats, long white beards, carrying their staffs, tarot cards at the ready in case you want your fortune told for a small fee. Can nothing be done about this?  I myself blame those damn Harry Potter books.  How many wizards did you ever see walking around town before those books started coming out?  And for God's sake, don't give them money - it only encourages them.

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