Thursday, July 21, 2016

Dinner With Valarie At Tony P's!

I had dinner with Valarie, my friend and former University of Denver Bookstore co-worker last night at the Tony P's in the Lower Highlands neighborhood.  It had been a while since we had seen each other, and we had a lot of catching up to do.  Valarie and her significant other Jake are doing well, as is her son Dillon and daughter Cheyanne, a former Peace Corps worker in Mozambique.  Valarie works in Lakewood, to the west of downtown Denver, I work on East Colfax, and so we decided to meet in the Lower Highlands, the midway point.  Valarie arrived right on time, but I had to fight my way through the downtown traffic and was about fifteen minutes late.  Living so close to work, I am not used to that kind of traffic anymore.  If the University of Denver is successful in it's plan to tear down my condo building to build a new light rail station, hotel, and luxury residences, and I can't afford to stay in the neighborhood, I might just have to pitch a tent on the front lawn of the chancellor's residence.  She couldn't object to that, could she?  Otherwise it will have to be Valarie's backyard.

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