Monday, December 12, 2016

Mary Poppins And The Power Of Nostalgia

Saturday night I was astounded to see the ABC television network was showing the classic Walt Disney film Mary Poppins.  A major television network showing a movie instead of reality television shows - the world turned upside down!  The last time I had seen Mary Poppins was at the Beverly Theater in the South Side Brainerd neighborhood of Chicago - back when I was a mere slip of a lad.  I was so overcome by a fit of nostalgia that I immediately called my sister Susan to tell her the happy news.  After a lengthy telephone call, she was going to check with her husband George to see if he could do without watching Fox Television News for just one night.  And as I watched that happy movie, I went searching for a photograph taken around that time to feature on today's Blog, which wound up being the photograph on the left of my father Nelson and myself in the backyard of our Brainerd home at 9314 South Aberdeen Street.

And since it is the Christmas season - Or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or whatever religious holiday your family celebrates this time of year via major retail purchases (a line I stole from humorist Dave Barry, I might add), I am also featuring a photograph of that same backyard during a snowstorm that I took from my bedroom window at the age of 9, back in March of 1962 - a photographic genius even then.  This is the same bedroom that my sister Susan forfeited to me after she went away to college, with the result that she had to sleep on the back porch, the roof of which is also seen in the photo.  She still hasn't forgiven me for that one, and I am sure I will hear about it once again when I head up to Fort Collins for Christmas dinner.  But I am old now, and so I say tough toenails.

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