Monday, June 1, 2020

A Fourth Day Of Protests, And No Social Distancing...

I went for a bike ride to downtown Denver yesterday afternoon, and on the way stopped at the Colorado State Capitol Building to see what was happening with the protests over the George Floyd death in Minneapolis.  There was a huge crowd walking from the capitol grounds across the street to the Greek Theater in Civic Center Park, where I took the above photograph.  As I said yesterday, I understand the reason for the protests, and the one above was peaceful, but I find it a bit ironic that we have been hounded for the past 2 1/2 months about keeping our social distance, limiting the number of people who can be in a store at the same time, doing our part to keep everyone healthy, and now throughout the country people are packed in like sardines during these protests.  This was the fourth day of protests, and as usual, all was peaceful until the sun set, which was when the agitators took over, this time focusing on a confrontation at Denver's District 6 police station, just to the east of downtown.  A lot of the mayors and governors across the country claim the violence and mayhem is being caused by outside agitators, and time will tell if that is true.  I myself tend to believe it is just young idiots, the same ones who every summer weekend raise hell in the LoDo neighborhood after the bars close at 2:00 A.M., but that is just my personal opinion.

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