Thursday, June 17, 2021

Visiting The Denver Zoo During A Heatwave

I visited the Denver Zoo yesterday afternoon, despite the fact the temperature hit 100 degrees for the second day in a row. Although most of the animals were outside, a great many were taking naps, including the bachelor lions, one of whom can be seen in the photograph on the left. Most of the animals were taking shelter in the shade, in an attempt to stay cool, but evidently the heat didn't bother this guy - probably reminded him of back home during a previous life. 

One animal that was pretty lively, despite the heat, was the clouded leopard. The reason for this was that one of the zookeepers was feeding him raw hamburger, and as far as I can tell, every animal at the Denver Zoo believes that food trumps heat, and for that matter, everything else. The zoo has two clouded leopards, one male (seen in the photograph on the right) and one female. They shared the same compound for a number of years, and produced a large litter of baby cloud leopards. However, once the kids left home, they began to get on each other's nerves, often starting fights, and are now separated, alternating days in the main compound. An all too familar story, for beasts or humans. And I do realize that the last time I was at the zoo, I featured this same creature on the blog. However, when it looks you right in the eye and demands your attention, how can you resist taking it's photograph and posting it?

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