Thursday, September 2, 2021

September At The Zoo

I went to the Denver Zoo yesterday afternoon to take photographs and get a break from doing the laundry, which for me is an all day task. It was warm, but cloudy, and so most of the animals were out and about, including the mandrill in the photograph on the left, who appeared to be deep in thought, no doubt pondering the meaning of life.

The monkey in the photo on the right actually spends it's days on an artificial island, and could easily make a break for it if it wasn't afraid to brave the water separating it from freedom. It is a small little thing, and no matter how many times I have tried to photograph it, it will never look me in the eye. Probably a sign that it is a bit on the shifty side. In fact, to me, the hair on the top of it's head kind of looks like devil's horns. And I mean that with all due respect.

On the other hand, the ring-tailed lemur, seen in the photograph on the left, always looks right at me. It does not seem to be a happy look, but at least he or she poses for the camera. It's tail, by the way, is about 20 feet long, but I was not able to capture this in the photograph. Maybe next time. And is it just me, or do none of these monkeys look particularly happy? Which makes sense, since they are intelligent creatures, and know they are sentenced to prison for life.

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