There was a rainbow tonight over the Sturm College of Law, symbolizing a happy future for the DU Law School students enrolled there. However, there is a lot of discrimination against certain University of Denver departments. Many departments (and by this I mean the Bookstore) are not allowed to have "Club Cars." You see them all over campus - 18 year old drivers zooming past, throwing their beer cans out the sides, hitting innocent bystanders. However, the DU Bookstore is not allowed to have one. Poor Darrel, the Bookstore's Accounts Payable Supervisor, has to walk across the entire campus almost every day to deliver his paperwork - and no "Club Car" is allowed. And let's face it - Darrel is no kid. In fact, he is a grandfather. Also, he and his wife are helping their daughter, a single mother, raise her adopted son. That is no easy task. Darrel often collapses on the sidewalk on his way to Account's Payable. He eventually wakes up, picks up his paperwork, and continues on. He returns to the Bookstore, face covered in scars, but goes on with his job anyway. I ask what happened, and he replies "I'm all right, Jack." My name is David, actually, but whatever. Do we need a "Club Car," or what?"