I was originally going to make some snide comments about the $8,000 photo booth the Driscoll Center bought to put on the Driscoll Bridge. However, a very serious issue arose tonight. While I was at the Golden Bee Pub in Colorado Springs last Wednesday, doing Bookstore research, a Doppelganger, an evil twin, an impostor, went to my drycleaners and picked up MY LAUNDRY - clean laundry, too! That is just plain wrong. It is not right to steal another man's laundry. The Korean girl at the cleaners said she was positive she gave the shirts to me. I will not rest until justice is served. A few years ago another David Hoyt went to school at DU. Every so often a co-ed would show up at my door, seemly startled at the sight of me in my jammies, claiming I was the wrong David Hoyt. I checked in the directory, and sure enough, there once again is another David Hoyt listed as a student. If he is the guilty party who took my laundry, I will not rest until I get my 3 J.C. Penney shirts back.
love this!