Saturday, January 11, 2025

Dining With Wally And Susan At Poppies

My sister Susan and I had dinner with Wally, my friend and former University of Denver Bookstore colleague last night at Poppies, located on South Colorado Boulevard here in Denver. Wally made reservations for us, which was very wise, since the place was packed, and it was a 45-minute wait for a table. And that would mean being seated after happy hour - talk about disaster. In any case, Wally is doing well and "baching it" while his wife Linda is in San Francisco visiting their son Peter and his wife, who are expecting their first child, this after their daughter Lydia and her husband, who live right across the bay in Walnut Creek, just welcomed their first child. Wally is still wondering what he will ultimately be called now that he is a grandfather. Gramps, Grampy, PopPop, Boompa? The possibilities are endless. But I do like Boompa.

Poppies has been around a long time and has a reputation as being popular with an older crowd. There is no music blasting from speakers there, thank God, and so you can have a conversation with the person sitting across the table from you without having to text each other on your phone. However, last night it looked like a very diverse age group was there. We all enjoyed our dinners, and it was fun catching up with what Wally has been up to. However, there were so many people there (it was a Friday night, after all) that both Wally and Susan thought the din was a little too much. I myself, being a sophisticated hipster type, did not mind. After all, those are my people. Right? Right?

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