Monday, March 10, 2025

Close, But No Cigar

I thought I would take in the 35th annual ArtFest by the Sea in Juno Beach, Florida yesterday afternoon. This show takes place on an oceanfront road and features 300 artists and craft artisans from 30 different states. It received a lot of press from the local television newscasts and looked like it would be fun to attend, even though I already attended the Under the Oaks Art Festival up in Vero Beach the previous day. I drove along Juno Beach's waterfront and parked in the beach parking lot as I approached the "road closed sign," which I assumed was where the festival started. However, when I got back to the road, I saw that the festival was actually blocks away. I have been battling what I think might be sciatica lately, and during this current episode, it hurts like hell to walk more than a short distance. And so, I decided to turn back once I reached the Juno Beach Pier, as seen in the photograph on the left.

In any case, since I already posted photographs of the Under the Oaks Art Festival on yesterday's blog, I reasoned the Juno Beach Pier would certainly be an acceptable substitute for today's blog post. I did not walk out onto the pier itself, however, not only because of my difficulty with walking, but also because they actually charge money to go out there. Talk about painful things. Therefore, I took a few photos of it from the entrance and hobbled back to the car, none the worse for wear. There is always next year for ArtFest, after all.

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