Saturday, August 8, 2015

Mr. Holmes

I went to see the movie Mr. Holmes at the Chez Artiste Theater this past Sunday night.  The Chez Artiste, by the way, used to be called the U-Hills 3 back when I was young and went there on dates with my  now ex-wife Lisa, and it still looks a hell of a lot like the U-Hills 3.  But I digress.  I went to see this particular film because it was recommended to me by one of my friends and former DU Bookstore colleagues, who goes out to a movie once every decade or so.  Because of that, I knew I definitely needed to check it out.  And it was very good.  It takes place in Sussex, England, right after World War II, where Sherlock Holmes is now 93 years old and a beekeeper.  He is also losing his memory and is desperately trying to find a cure for this. The scariest part of the movie is realizing that this could be you if you reach 93.  And therefore the point to today's Blog - donate money for discovering a cure  for Alzheimer's now, people!

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