Sunday, February 12, 2017

Abraham Lincoln's Birthday!

Today is February 12th, Abraham Lincoln's birthday.  Bach when I attended Fort Dearborn Grammar School (seen as it is today in the photograph above, along with a black and white photo I took of one of the Kloak kids in the playground back in the 1960s), it represented a day off from school, along with Washington's birthday 10 days later.  I was not too crazy about school, and so those two holidays were a big thing to me.  A while after I graduated from Fort Dearborn, the travel industry persuaded the President and the Congress to have most of the country's holidays fall on a Monday, creating three day weekends.  In the process, both Lincoln's and Washington's birthday were eliminated and President's Day was established on a Monday between these two dates.  If I was still in school when this happened, I would have been outraged - one of our precious February holidays had been taken away from us.  No three day weekend is worth that.  Did the Fort Dearborn student body riot when that happened?  I hope so.  I would have.

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