Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Getting My Ducks In A Row At Washington Park

This past weekend the weather turned much warmer, and on Sunday, before I went to my part-time job, I decided to take a walk in nearby Washington Park.  Washington Park is one of Denver's favorite places to hang out, and as expected it was packed.  It is especially popular with the duck and geese population, which for some reason decides to winter here instead of flying south for the winter.  I'm not exactly sure why they endure our freezing temperatures all winter, but I guess the expression "bird brain" exists for a reason.

In any case, the place was filled with joggers, dog walkers, and people just hanging out enjoying a warm February day.  The park has become so popular during the summer months that nearby residents are beginning to complain about the crowds trashing not only the park but the nearby neighborhoods.  And as you can  imagine, the homes near this park are not cheap, so these residents have some clout.  The city has agreed to add more port-a-potties and staff to patrol the park, so hopefully that will help.  But for now, in February, there doesn't seem to be any problems.  It was definitely a mellow kind of park day.

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