Thursday, July 12, 2018

Back To Nature In Fort Collins

I have been spending a lot of time up in Fort Collins these days, and have been pretty surprised at the wildlife in the neighborhood and the nearness of the countryside.  Last week I was driving my sister Susan to the rehab center where my brother-in-law George is recuperating, and we saw a deer standing in front of her neighbor's patio.  Susan later found out that the deer ate all of the petunias in her neighbor's flower boxes, but that is the price of getting up close and personal with nature.  My sister also reports seeing wild turkeys in the neighborhood.  And just where do they come from?  California too?

And then this past Sunday afternoon I took the Windsor exit off Interstate 25 and drove through the southern part of Fort Collins, stopping to take photographs at a farm that boards horses.  The horse in the photograph on the right was very friendly, although I suspect he or she was probably just hoping I had food to share.  I find that true of most animals - if you have food, you are their friend.  If not, forget it.

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