Friday, August 24, 2018

A Rocky Mountain Memory

Today I am featuring a photograph that my sister Susan took during a long ago trip to Rocky Mountain National Park.  From left to right in the above photo are me, my then wife Lisa, my mother Mary, and my brother-in-law George, who passed away at the beginning of this month and for whom we are having a memorial service tomorrow.  It was so long ago, I can't remember the year, but I would guess it was the summer of 1984 or 1985.  My mother was out here visiting from Stuart, Florida, and we were taking her with us on one of our frequent trips to the park.  Of course, my mother was not a nature lover. Once, when I was driving through the mountains, thinking I was giving her a treat, she asked me when this trip was going to end. But on this long ago day, I think she was just happy to spend time with us, which is far more important than where you happen to be.

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