Thursday, December 19, 2024

Things Are Looking Up!

And not just because Santa, seen in the photograph above, has arrived at the Cherry Creek Shopping Center here in Denver from the North Pole. Today is the first day I have been able to look up after having eye surgery last week. Which means, of course, I am finally able to drive my car again. One of my first stops while doing my many errands today was Cherry Creek. And seeing Santa makes me remember how when I was a kid back in Chicago, every department store had their own Santa, each one claiming to be the one and only Santa Claus. Of course, with the advent of shopping centers, there wound up being only one Santa per mall, usually placed in the center court. But the big question is whether the real Santa back then was at Marshall Field's Department Store or Carson Pierre Scott and Company? The only way to find out is to ask the man down there. I'm sure he'll remember which one he was at. And if not, he is no doubt a FRAUD!

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