Friday, June 4, 2010

Textbook Buyback Time!

It is once again textbook buyback time at the University of Denver Bookstore. All the students are selling back their textbooks before heading home, getting cash and heading off to celebrate the end of another school year, like the fellow directly upstairs from my condo, who has been singing a drunken version of "Country Road, Take Me Home," at the top of his lungs every Saturday night the past five weeks or so. Never let it be said that DU students don't start their celebrations early enough. Helping us with this buy, as always, are Chuck and Jason (the other Chuck) from Nebraska Book Company. They are both full of good cheer (probably happy to be away from Nebraska and that other Nebraska, South Dakota). They are great to work with, not the least of which is because they buy us beers. Chuck is a Nebraska Salt Dogs fan, and Jason a Sioux Falls Peacocks fan. Those two baseball teams are fighting it out for first place in the Flat, Hot, but Humid Midwest Prairie League. Chuck (left) and Jason (right) are pictured above.

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