One of the highlights of my trip to New York was going to be a visit to Frank Lloyd Wright's Masterpiece, the Guggenheim. When I got there, I was told that the entire center of the museum was closed off and could not be viewed until November 4th. I went in anyway, and when I got to the top of the museum, peeled off the masking tape and walked a few feet toward the railing to take a look. I was pulled violently backward, and told I could not view the interior of the museum because they were installing a new exhibit. I think the security guard might have caused my back to go out - if so, they will hear from my attorneys, by who I mean Michael, one of the DU Bookstore's rush cashiers. I was also told not to take any photographs, so I made sure to take a lot. In any case, the whole place looked like the photograph above - my attacker is silhouetted in the background. I do not want to imply in any way that the Guggenheim is a fascist organization (they are!) or to question why the entire museum has to be cordoned off when they install a new exhibit (they're crazy!). All I know is that I at least got a peek at Wright's masterpiece, despite the Guggenheim's best efforts to prevent it.
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