Friday, December 16, 2022

History Lurks In The Old Denver Auditorium

The other week I walked past the old Denver Auditorium, now part of the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, and seen in the photograph on the left. It is notable as the location of the 1908 Democratic Convention, when Williams Jennings Bryan was nominated as their candidate for president. The next time Denver hosted a political convention was exactly 100 years later, when Barach Obama was nominated to be the Democratic presidential candidate in 2008, although it was not held at the. same venue.

When Barach Obama was nominated to run for president, it was a huge deal for the city, and downtown was really buzzing. He was nominated at the relatively new Colorado Convention Center, seen in the photograph on the right. And by the way, getting back to William Jennings Bryan, I walked past his home in Lincoln, Nebraska when I was there for software training during my time as Finance Manager for the University of Denver Bookstore. The only thing I know about Bryan is that he was the prosecuting attorney in the infamous Scopes Monkey Trial, where he faced Clarence Darrow, who was representing the defense. Not something to put on your resume, of course. Although these days, in some political quarters, that may no longer be the case.

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