Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Great Leak - And An Apology!

The owner of a condo on the 7th floor of my building hired a contractor to install a dishwasher. The contractor connected the dishwasher to a pipe that emptied out between the walls, which meant that every time the dishwasher was used, the water would flow down the walls of all the apartments below. And of course they have no insurance. In any case, my kitchen wall was torn out Monday to fix the problem. When I came home, the wall was gone, the fridge was in the middle of the kitchen, and there was a huge blower taking up most of the remaining space. The kitchen was sealed off with plastic tarps. It was a risk to your life to try and get a beer out of the refrigerator (but I did it and survived, several times). In any case, the wall has been rebuilt, but coming home this evening, the kitchen sink seems to be missing. I think I might have to give the "Wet" team a call tomorrow. On another note, I took photographs of my friend Robin and her daughter Caitlin for a photo project on Sunday. I also took photographs of my friend Stuart for the same project. Stuart was devastated that I put Robin and Caitlin on the blog, but not him. Sorry about that, so here is Stuart in all his glory (the bottom photo).

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