Monday, August 20, 2012

Beware The Mermaid Barbie Virus!

I got an e-mail from my ex-wife Lisa yesterday.  It simply said "For David" and was a link to a web site.  I don't hear that much from my ex-wife these days, so I clicked on it to see what Lisa had sent.  I instantly recognized (I'm smart that way) that the site was all in Polish.  This is pretty strange, I thought, but clicked on the tab to enter the site anyway.  In the center of the screen was an image of Barbie as a Polish Mermaid (with a tail that lights up, I might add).  Although I clicked on the image, nothing happened, so I backed out of the site, and only then noticed that in parenthesis, next to my ex-wife's name, was a different e-mail address.  She had not sent the link.  Oh Oh!  A trick!  How do people do this?  I later learned that the image was a video, and I was supposed to hit the play button to view it.  Thank goodness I am often so inept with computers.  Would I have gotten a  virus if I had viewed the video?  I don't know, but today I updated my virus software to make sure I am protected in the future from the Barbie, Ken, GI Joe and dreaded Betsy Wetsy viruses.  Stay Vigilant Blog Readers!

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