Thursday, November 9, 2023

If It Was Good Enough For Monet, It's Good Enough For Me

Of course, I am no Monet, but I do have a habit of taking the same photograph of a place at different times. One of those places is the Boulder park in the photograph on the left. It was taken on October 24th, when the fall colors were at their peak, and shows a man sitting there enjoying the weather and the ambiance. US News and World Report, by the way, has just named Boulder the 4th most livable city in the nation. Of course, the top three on the list are Green Bay, Wisconsin, Huntsville, Alabama, and Raleigh, North Carolina, so who knows what to think? Especially since I read an article that said news stories on my browser home page (Microsoft Start) are now selected by artificial intelligence, replacing living, breathing editors, and contain many "fake news" stories. Which probably means the recent article about aliens from outer space now living all around us might not be entirely factual. And also explains why so many articles featuring subjects like the best states to live in, worst states to live in, best cities, worst cities, etc. often have the same damn places on both lists. Surprise!

In any case, let's get back to my point about taking a photograph of the same subject at different times. I took the photograph on the right of the same view up in that Boulder park two weeks later, and am amazed at how quickly things changed. Except for that person sitting at the table, who seems to be the same one that was sitting there the last time. Evidently, he has found the perfect spot to hang out at, and intends to stay there. Forever. And speaking of lists, a while back I read that Boulder was the 7th most expensive housing market in the country. This was, of course, from one of those articles on Microsoft Start, and so who the hell knows if that is true? All I know for sure is that I really like the view from that park.

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