Thursday, January 4, 2024

Perusing A Very Weird Edition Of Chicago Magazine

I went through the January issue of Chicago Magazine yesterday afternoon, and I must say, most of it struck me as pretty damn weird. The cover story was a list of the top 1,398 physicians in Cook County, divided by specialty. No article, just the list. And why that particular number of doctors? Did two of them lose their malpractice lawsuits just before press time? Then there was an article by the writer trying to find the person who was putting the graffiti tag "Mr. Mr. Fungi" in large block letters all over Chicago. She searched for him via social media, of course, finally arranging a meeting at a North Side coffee shop. And interviews a kid, on probation, discussing a rather boring lifestyle that to me produces not art, but simply defacement of property. Then there was a long article by an author who "wanted a Japanese-style kitchen knife made by hand," and found the process both artistic and magical. Seriously? Finally, I checked out "The Hot List: 10 places everyone's talking about (in order of heat)." As usual, a good 7 out of 10 of those restaurants featured food I would not touch, even if a gun was pointed at my head. But I was especially disturbed about a "mole whisperer" chef whose restaurant is famous for mole. What? Chicago's gourmet diners are now chowing down on small, brown, underground-dwelling mammals? I know they are all crazy (the Chicago gourmets), but this seemed too extreme even for them. I checked on the internet, and learned that mole (pronounced "MO-lay) is a traditional Mexican sauce, which I assume the authors of the article thought everyone not a total idiot would know. It probably tastes horrible, too. Otherwise, why would it be on The Hot List?

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