Sunday, November 2, 2014

Still More Halloween Nostalgia

I am ending Halloween Weekend with a blast from the past: a photograph of my mother Mary and her cousin Junior Dumas dressed up in costume back in the 1920s. This, by the way, is the only Halloween photograph I have of any family member, myself included, wearing a costume.  Back on the South Side of Chicago, Halloween was for kids and was considered a minor event, unlike it is these days here in Denver, where virtually everyone downtown is dressed up in costume and wandering the streets.  Back in Chicago, kids put on makeshift costumes and went trick or treating for a few hours every October 31st and that was that. Adults didn't wear masks unless they had a legitimate excuse, like holding up a convenience store.  And even here in Denver, after today, no one will have the experience until next year of going into a restaurant and sitting next to a table of zombies, unless of course they really are zombies.  In which case, I should definitely have paid more attention to what the "zombie experts" were saying at the Denver Art Museum's Final Friday event the other day.

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