Friday, October 4, 2019

Monday At The Zoo Part II

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog, my sister Susan and I went to the Denver Zoo this past Monday to see the new baby lion, and we also took in the rest of the zoo while we were there.  We made a large loop around the place, and wound up at Primate Panorama, where through some sort of miracle I was finally able to take a photograph of the new baby mandrill, sitting next to it's mother, as seen in the photo on the left. The last time I was at the zoo, I could see the female mandrill at the far end of the compound, but she was sheltering the baby in her arms, preventing zoo visitors from getting a look at it.  As I have said before, sometimes these animals can be so inconsiderate.  What is their problem?

After visiting the mandrills, we headed to the ape house to check out the gorillas and the orangutans.  Sadly, the baby gorilla and it's mother and father were sent to Florida at the recommendation of the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums.  The reason for this move was to introduce the gorilla family to another female gorilla down there, and hopefully have the male produce more offspring with her.  It's sounds to me like the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums is promoting polygamy.  Are they headquartered in Utah, or what?  In any case, on the other side of the building were the orangutans, and I was hoping to get another photograph the orangutan baby, too.  Sadly it was nowhere in sight.  The only orangutan I was able to photograph was the one seen on the right, sucking down some Fiji bottled water.  It surprises me a bit that these creatures will only drink pricey spring water, but this is Denver after all, so maybe it is not so surprising after all.

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