Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Mellow Day At The Denver Zoo

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog, I went to the Denver Zoo this past Tuesday afternoon to photograph Tatu, the new lion cub, and afterwards walked around to take a look at some of the other animals.  It was a very mellow day, sunny and 60 degrees, and not crowded at all.  Most of the people there were mothers with young children, although were also a surprising number of older people with young children, too.  Are the grandparents minding the children while the parents work, helping their kids to avoid paying for expensive childcare, or have they taken over raising their grandchildren because their kids can't or won't?  I was thinking of taking a survey, but I want to avoid a lifelong ban from the Denver Zoo, at least for now.

As usual, the leopard in the photograph on the right was staring out at the world again, no doubt wishing it could run free.  I have said it before and I will say it again - the Denver Zoo should find a large outdoor compound for this poor animal to run in, or else send it to a zoo that will.  Both the lions and tigers at the Denver Zoo have a relatively large space to roam, so I don't see why this panther shouldn't be given this same opportunity, too.

The cheetah in the photograph on the left does have a fairly large compound to run around in- or in the case of this animal, pace - but on this day it just seemed happy to sit on a high point, enjoy the sun, and survey it's area, which of course included me.  I have not seen this cheetah during my past few visits - I assume because it was either too hot or too cold for it to be outside. Fortunately, today was just right.  I just hope we continue to have days like these, at least from now through February or March.  Dream on, McDuff.

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