Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Most Haunted Building In Denver?

I drove past the Croke-Patterson-Campbell mansion the other day, located in Denver's Capitol Hill neighborhood, and stopped to take a photograph of it, since it is reputed to be one of Denver's most haunted buildings.  It was built in 1891, and was owned by a variety of different people until it became the Patterson Inn, a boutique hotel.  During renovations to turn it into a hotel, workers reported seeing the ghostly figures of children running around the place.  There have been other sightings of ghosts there, too. I have to say it certainly looks haunted.

Another haunted building was the Arapaho County Court House on Denver's 16th Street. During the summer of 1900, it was reported that the elevator doors would open up in the basement and ghosts would wander out and walk among the guards on duty there at night.  There was also reported to be unnatural lights and the smell of brimstone, leading to the conclusion that these were the very gates of hell. The building was eventually torn down, and later became the site of a hyperbolic paraboloid designed by architect I.M. Pei, marking the entrance to a department store.  Years later the building was converted into a hotel, which is now the Sheraton Denver Downtown, seen in the photograph on the right.  There have been no reports about seeing the gates of hell since the courthouse was torn down, but that building is now undergoing still another renovation.  Hopefully they won't be doing any remodeling in the basement.  It might awaken those damn (or should I say damned) spirits.

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