Saturday, July 6, 2024

Fourth Of July Weekend In Boulder

There was a letter to the editor piece in the Boulder Daily Camera yesterday about the glories of that city's Pearl Street Mall. The writer wanted to express "what a glorious town we live in," and waxed poetically about the mall's very artistic flower beds, shops full of people, busy restaurants, and the many tourists wandering about. She also mentioned that during a mid-day walk, she talked to tourists from New York City, Australia, England, and Spain. I myself took a stroll down the Pearl Street Mall this past Thursday, the 4th of July, and concur with everything she said, although I didn't stop people and ask them where they were from, and what they were doing here. Some people can pull that off, and some people just wind up getting arrested. I took the photograph on the left, by the way, on the 1200 Block of Pearl Street, with a shop called Free People in the background. And no, they aren't involved in the fight against human trafficking, but are an "American bohemian apparel and lifestyle retail company" for women. I never knew such a thing existed, but have to say they definitely chose the right location.

The reason I am so interested in that particular spot (1200 Pearl Street) is not the shop, but the building, which according to the date above the 2nd floor windows was built in 1876. I tried to look up the history of the place, but could find no reference to it on the internet, only for the entire 1200 block. Which is how I discovered the photograph on the right, also taken on the 4th of July, exactly 140 years after I took my photograph. The occasion was a 4th of July parade, and as you can see, the place has not changed a bit since that day. Just amazing.

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