Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Summer At The Zoo Part II

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog post, I went to the Denver Zoo Monday afternoon to take some photographs, and was really surprised at how many people were there on a weekday afternoon. Of course, it is summer, and there were a lot of what I assume were summer camp kids walking around, all with their own specially designed T-shirts. Which is probably why there were so many Denver Zoo staff members and volunteers around, giving talks and answering questions about the various animals. I took the photograph on the left of a staff member giving a talk about parrots. I was tempted to go into the gift shop to see if they had that Denver Zoo surfboard (or possibly snowboard) for sale there, but didn't, although I might be back. It's never too late to learn either of those sports, right?

I also noticed the guy in the photograph on the right feeding that rhino by hand from a bucket. I was kind of surprised by that. I have always thought of rhinos as being too wild an animal to be hand fed, but I guess after being in the zoo all those years, what with heated quarters in the winter and A/C in the summer, not to mention cable TV, they tend to get a bit domesticated. If that is the case, providing rhino rides around the zoo could be a great revenue stream.

The photo on the left shows one of the giraffes coming to say hello to the staff member who was posted there. A few years ago, the zoo added a walkway into the giraffe compound to allow visitors to feed them. At first, they had a booth out in front where you could buy the food, and then head down the walkway to feed those giraffes. However, these days, zoo visitors are only allowed to feed them three times a day, in one-hour segments, and you have to make a reservation in advance. For a while, the walkway was closed to the public all other times, but happily it has reopened again during non-feeding times, which makes it much easier to photograph those giraffes, not to mention the zebras and an ostrich right next door. 

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