Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Winter Returns!

It is not even November yet, and we have already had two snowstorms here in Denver, with a third expected to hit this afternoon, along with frigid temperatures.  My friend Stuart told me that the Farmer's Almanac predicted a harsh winter for us, and I guess it might be true.  And just how do they make these predictions - flipping a coin, which they probably do on the local weather channel?  For me, the only good part of this nasty weather is that now that I am retired, I don't have to get up in the morning and drive to work through that mess.  In point of fact, it wasn't until 4:30 in the afternoon that I ventured outside and headed to Washington Park to take a few photographs, one of which can be seen on the left.

In any case, by the time I got to Washington Park, the snow had ended and the sun was out.  Plus, the temperature had risen to 32 degrees by that time, compared with 15 degrees that morning.  Not biking weather by any means.  And by the way, the photograph on the right is of the Washington Park Boathouse, which was built in 1913 and restored in 2012. It is available to rent for events such as weddings, anniversaries, the installation of a new pope, etc.  I have often thought it would be easy to crash one of these events, since the park district requires a professional bartender - not connected with the event - to serve alcohol, and he or she would not know you didn't belong there.  Something to try next summer.

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