Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Jury Duty - Canceled!

I was sent a summons for jury duty a few weeks ago, requiring me to report to the Lindsey-Flanigan Courthouse in downtown Denver yesterday morning at 8:00 A.M. Which I did. And was informed, to my great joy, that no jurors were needed that day, and I was free to go home. I was also advised that I should have read the document more thoroughly, and called in advance to see if I was still required to appear, but this is the first time that this has ever happened. Usually, they just have you sit in a large room all morning in case a trial pops up, and so I just assumed it was either show up or be thrown in the hoosegow. In any case, I am glad the way things turned out, but does this mean that things are slowing down in the legal profession? Is Frank Azar - The Strongarm - not getting enough work? Does he need someone to set up a "Go Fund Me" page for him? Personally, I suggest more television commercials and billboards. You can never have enough of those.

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