Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Big Storm

This weekend we were supposed to have The Big Snowstorm of 2015.  And it was a very exciting 15 minutes, I must say.  I am exaggerating, of course, as usual.  Some parts of the metropolitan area did get a lot of snow, and it came down pretty hard on the drive from the library to my part-time job Saturday night, but on the whole, here in central Denver, the snow stopped pretty early, and when the second round of the storm came, it was just light flurries.  We have so seldom gotten any major snowstorms the past few years, I think the weather forecasters go crazy with excitement when even the mere possibility of a big storm occurs. Which is great news for the grocery stores, which due a huge business from Denverites preparing for the worst.  Do you think there might be payoffs involved?

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