Friday, April 1, 2022

The Zoo Part II

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog post, I went to the Denver Zoo yesterday afternoon to take a few photos. It was in the upper 40s with a bit of a cold wind, and so I was surprised to see that most of the monkeys were out and about, several of whom were interacting with zoo guests. The male madrill in the photograph on the left was sitting on the stump of a tree, posing for a portrait and surveying his kingdom, which included a female mandrill and her baby, who despite being almost two years old, is still being held onto by it's mother 24/7. If she doesn't give that kid some space, it will have some serious issues in the future. I recommend calling in the zoo psychiatrist now.

The monkey in the photograph on the right was interacting with a couple in front of its cage when I approached. It is housed in the zoo's monkey house, a pretty small facility indeed, but which has access to what is called monkey island, a large outdoor space surrounded by a moat. Despite this, this particular monkey seemed to be saying "get me the hell out of here." I sympathize, but smuggling a monkey out of the zoo would be tricky, and even then, my HOA would probably object if I brought it home with me. Best just to walk away and let it play on it's island when the weather turns a bit warmer.

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