Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Return To The Littleton Museum

My sister Susan and I visited the Littleton Museum, located in that suburb just to the south of Denver, last week after a long absence, and as always, it was a fun experience. In addition to the museum itself, which has many exhibits featuring the history of Littleton, it also features two farms, one from the 1860s and one from the 1890s. The cabin from the 1860s and the home from the 1890s were moved to the museum grounds from other parts of Littleton, along with an old schoolhouse, as seen in the photograph on the left.

We visited on a Friday, when docents in costume welcomed visitors into those historic buildings and entertained everyone by making traditional pioneer foods over the fireplace. I took the photograph on the right of the inside of the 1860s log cabin, which I must say seemed very cozy, although if you had to use the toilet in the middle of the night it would make for a pretty chilly trip to the outhouse during the winter.

In addition to those historic buildings, the Littleton Museum also has a variety of animals on exhibit, including cows, pigs, chickens and roosters, as well as a number of goats, such as the one seen in the photograph on the left. The goats were very cooperative, most of them happy to pose for a photograph. The cows, on the other hand, ignored me completely, and a very large pig was sound asleep inside its barn. I could not tell if the chickens and roosters were fully engaged with me or not - they just seemed to wander aimlessly around their compound. In any case, this is definitely a fun place to visit, with free admission, too. What's not to like?

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