Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The September Mutt Of The Month

I took the photograph on the left of this month's Mutt of the Month at the outdoor bar at Sailor's Rest, a restaurant located in the Sunset Bay Marina in Stuart, Florida. As you can see, that dog is panting pretty heavily, no doubt not enjoying the 90-degree temperatures and 100% humidity, especially with all that fur. No doubt its owner is buying it a nice bowl of beer, along with his own pint. As I have said before, this is a great place to sit and watch the sun set over the St. Lucie River and gaze at the yachts in the marina. How perfect to dock your yacht after sailing over from the Greek Islands and then walking over to enjoy a cold one at what I have always called The Jolly Sailor Pub, thanks to the sign hanging next to the bar, which was originally in front of that long ago restaurant in downtown Stuart. Enjoy your brewskis, guys!

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