Saturday, September 14, 2024

Getting Nostalgic About Chicago. Yes! Again!

After reading the last two issues of Chicago Magazine, I am starting to get nostalgic about my old hometown. The last time I visited Chicago was back in April of 2010. I spent a week there after having been away from the city for almost 30 years, but it still seemed very much the same. And still bustling. The last day I was there, I took the photograph above of a group of sailboats moving up the South Branch of the Chicago River, no doubt heading toward their berths along Lake Michigan for the summer. Talk about fun! I like Denver, but I still think Chicago, with its lakefront, is one of the prettiest cities in the country. Definitely time to head back there for a visit. And soon! I wonder if any of my cousins back there owns a sailboat or yacht that they keep on Lake Michigan. I'll have to call them all up and tactfully work it into the conversation. Of course, figuring out how to do that might take years. Perhaps I'll just settle for a $10 water taxi ride down the Chicago River. Probably the same experience, more or less. And much cheaper.

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