Friday, September 20, 2019

Hanging Out At The Zoo

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog, I went to the Denver Zoo Wednesday afternoon to record the first outdoor appearance of the zoo's new lion cub, and after 45 minutes of fighting the crowds to get a halfway decent photograph, decided to walk around the grounds to see if there might be any other photo opportunities.  The lions and many other animals were lurking either in the shade, out of public view, or inside their quarters in air-conditioned luxury - so much for the ability to survive in the wild.  However, the orangutans were outside and enjoying the nice weather where they feel most comfortable - up in the trees - including the baby orangutan seen in the photo on the left.

On the other side of the zoo, the white gibbon was staying in the shade, trying to avoid the upper 80s heat.  Since these creatures are native to Africa, I would think that the low humidity and lower temperatures of Denver would be a Godsend to these creatures, but after a lifetime of living in air-conditioned buildings, they seem to have become spoiled.  The white gibbon in the photograph on the right was sitting in the shade at the entrance to it's shelter, but did manage to work itself up to a little bit of gymnastics, climbing on ropes over a pond to an island paradise populated only by monkeys.  Fortunately, this particular monkey was very willing to pose for a portrait.  Of course, he does not look happy about it, but on the other hand, not my problem.

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