Sunday, September 23, 2012

Rampage Rages On

Marty, the Textbook Manager for the DU Bookstore, also plays guitar for a local band called Rampage.  This weekend they are playing in the backyard of their drummer, Falstaff, for an event called Faltoberfest.  I heard the band play once at a place called the Toad's Hole - or something like that - and think they could do better than just playing in people's backyards.  If I were their manager, they would be known far and wide all over East Colfax Avenue here in Denver.  Perhaps they are not ready for that kind of fame.  If they were, and people got to see them in person, they could ask the drummer if he was named after the character in Shakespeare or after the beer.  By the way, do they still make Falstaff beer?  That would be a good question for the drummer too.

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