Friday, September 29, 2017

Christopher Kimball Makes An Appearance

Christopher Kimball made a noontime appearance at the bookstore where I work this past Tuesday to promote his new book Milk Street.  Kimball was the host of America's Test Kitchen for many years, until a bitter feud with management ended his run there.  ATK, as it is known, instituted a lawsuit against Kimball, and so it appears that cooking shows are not as serene as they might seem.  Perhaps Chef Ramsey is the norm rather than the exception. In any case, I had never heard of Kimball until Tuesday.  Just as I was going to lunch, my office-mate Peter asked me to take a photograph of him.  I was, coincidentally, on my way to heat up my Banquet Spaghetti and Meatballs frozen dinner, and so I thought what the heck, go ahead and snap a picture.  Of course, after taking the photograph, I had to sneak my lunch past Kimball for fear he would see it and sneer at my low-brow food choices.  If only I had brought my frozen Michelina's entree, I could have walked past Kimball proudly.

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