Monday, May 10, 2021

The Upside Of Wearing Helmets And Masks

I went for a long bike ride from my condo across the street from the University of Denver to Sloan's Lake this past Saturday afternoon. I took the above photograph along the way, on top of the Millennium Bridge, which crosses assorted train tracks and leads to Denver's Lower Highlands neighborhood. After looking at this photo, I began to think of the positive aspects of wearing both bicycle helmets and face masks. Since I am only a few months away from the anniversary of a pretty serious bicycle crash, where I landed, without a helmet, teeth first on a metal grate, cracking my front tooth and requiring over $3,000 in dental work, the benefits of wearing a helmet are obvious. As for wearing a face mask, besides helping to protect everyone from the Covid-19 virus, it also hides the fact that my mustache is now completely white, marring my otherwise youthful appearance. When those white hairs first started appearing years ago, I decided to shave off that mustache. Afterwards, everyone commented on how weird my face looked. After 6 months or so had passed, and people were still remarking on how weird I looked, I realized that for better or worse, I had to grow that mustache back. Better to look old than weird. It makes for a lot fewer stops by the cops.

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