Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Instead Of Fire and Fury, Ice, Snow, And Cold

There may be plenty of fire and fury back in Washington D.C., but in most of the rest of the country it has been mainly snow, ice, and cold.  Even Florida recently got so cold that iguanas have been falling out of the trees, paralyzed by the cold.  Denver has mostly escaped this onslaught of winter. Temperatures got up to 57 degrees Sunday afternoon, but Monday morning it was cold and sleeting, followed by snow.  A layer of sheer ice covered the roads, and many major highways were closed due the high volume of accidents. Monday night it got down to 4 below zero.  And by the way, I took the above photograph Monday morning.  It was on such a morning, just after I started working at the bookstore back in 2014, that I got off the bus and promptly fell down, my head cushioning my fall.  It wouldn't stop bleeding, and after I got to work, I was forced to go to the emergency room, despite my protests.  It did take 14 stitches to patch me up, but I think the high deducible insurance policy I had just signed up for hurt more.

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