Sunday, December 1, 2013

It's The Christmas Season!

Today is December 1st, which means it is now officially the 2013 Christmas season.  People are crowding the malls, duking it out with fellow shoppers for those Black Friday specials, and generally getting more frantic by the day.  For me, Christmas was the most fun when I was a kid, like in the photograph above of my mother, myself, and my dog Irma during the Christmas of 1963. The photograph was taken by my father on Christmas Day in the living room of our house in the South Side Chicago neighborhood of Brainerd.  Today I feel that Christmas is not about presents, but all about getting together with friends and family on Christmas Day, feeding them some nice road kill turkey, and enjoying their company.  The photograph on the left shows my mother and myself just before one such celebration, taken a few years before she passed away. Togetherness is far more important than giving and receiving gifts. And with that said, I am out of work for the first time in 32 years, and therefore, as my mother used to say, "It is going to be a slim Christmas everyone!"

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