Sunday, July 14, 2019

Bastille Day!

Today is Bastille Day, July 14th, the day the French celebrate the French Revolution.  My sister and I visited Paris this past May, and saw several sights connected with the French Revolution, including where Marie Antoinette was held before she was executed.  We also walked around the outlines of where the Bastille Prison once stood as we made our way to Place de Vosges, spending a few minutes in that wonderful park before taking the night train to Florence. In any case, my sister's main complaint about Paris and Europe in general was the hoards of tourists everywhere.  Good thing we are not there today.  I have a sneaking suspicion that the crowds might even be a little worse, if that is possible.  And by the way, the Eiffel Tower, seen in the photograph on the left, was built for the 1889 World's Fair in Paris, which celebrated the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution.  And if you visit it, and you don't like thousands of people crowding around and pushing you every which way, I suggest you visit in February. Bring a coat.

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