Monday, January 27, 2020

Getting Together With The Old DU Bookstore Gang

This past Saturday night I got together with some of my friends and former University of Denver Bookstore co-workers for dinner and to see what everyone has been up to over the past few months.  The conversation started off on the subject of sewer lines, which homeowners are evidently responsible for between their homes and the street.  Surprisingly, I have heard a number of people talk about how replacing these pipes can cost many thousands of dollars, and makes me glad that I own a condo instead of a house.  Later on, the conversation moved to the more happier subject of travel. Jake and Valarie (the former Operations Manager of the DU Bookstore), seen in the above photograph on the left, are planning a trip to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand, and I was very surprised to hear that there are now non-stop flights between Los Angeles and Hanoi.  Wow!  Who could have imagined that years ago? Darrel (the former Accounts Payable Manager of the DU Bookstore) and his wife Linda, our hosts for the evening, and seen in the photograph on the right, are planning a trip to the south.  My sister Susan and I (along with her two dogs) are also planning a trip to the glorious southland in the fall, and I am anxious to get some sightseeing tips from Darrel and Linda.  Chris (the former Accounts Payable Assistant for the store) and Jim, the couple in the center of the photograph, have done a lot of traveling over the years, and this spring are taking a break from the joy that is air travel. I understand completely.  Great to see all you guys again!

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