Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Zoo - Part II

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog, I went to the Denver Zoo Tuesday afternoon to take photographs, despite the fact it was overcast and chilly the entire day.  As usual, the teenage lions seemed to be most willing to pose for photographs.  There are 4 of them - all brothers, and for some reason, it was recommended that they not breed.  I suppose that is because they are juvenile delinquents.  After all, the last time I was at the zoo, one of them pushed it's backside up against a viewing window and urinated all over it, while a large group of surprised zoo visitors in front of that window took it all in.  I decided not to take a photograph of that particular incident. You are welcome.  And I want to stress that the lion in the photograph on the left is NOT the same one I posted on this blog a few weeks ago, although I must admit they all seem to look alike.  Probably because they are brothers.

Also, as mentioned yesterday, all 4 lions were inside their den one minute - roaring like mad - and outside the next, sitting on the rocks in the compound. The lion on the right decided to stay outside when the other three went in for the final time, roaring at me for some unknown reason.  And just what did I do? The zoo won't let me bring you a steak to eat, and I am not responsible for the iffy weather, so get a grip, guy.  After all, you have a comfortable, heated den to return to.  Not even the English have that.

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