Monday, November 2, 2015

History Of The World - And Family - In Photographs

I recently bought a used copy of History of the World in Photographs at the local bookstore where I work as the Bookkeeper, and I must say it was a tremendous bargain.  If you only order books from Amazon, you miss the pleasure of walking around a cozy, atmospheric bookstore and discovering bargains like this one. Let's hope independent bookstores stay around forever.  In any case, I decided to feature the book on this Blog, and it was only when I was setting up the photograph with my tripod that I realized that I was taking a photo of not only the History of the World in Photographs, but also the history of my family in photographs sitting on my bookcase shelves. What a wonderful experience it is to sit in front of the coffee table in my living room, typing away on the computer, and being able to look at all the wonderful photographs of my family from the 1890s to the present.  My friend Valarie has a completely different viewpoint.  She never took family photographs, saying it was more important to be involved in the moment rather just capturing images of it.  However, when her daughter Cheyanne graduated from college and had a big party at The Music Bar (which was located in the Highlands neighborhood of Denver), she wanted to put together a scrapbook featuring the Cheyanne's life up to that point.  To do this, she raided her sister's photo collection in order to fill the scrapbook with images.  I rest my case.  The moral of the story - take plenty of photographs of your family and friends.

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