Sunday, November 1, 2015

Nightmare In The Halloween Aisle...

I worked the last two nights at my part-time job at a local chain drugstore, and the place was busy as hell. Halloween afternoon was the busiest, and the Halloween aisle was trashed and took forever to put back together.  But it was exciting.  If you touched the orange plastic pumpkin, it would start spinning in circles and shout "My Candy! My Candy!" at you.  And if you moved one of the ghost phones and the handset was jarred, it starts ringing and then a ghost starts talking spooky to you.  On the plus side, most of the people who came in were in costume, which was highly entertaining.  At least, I think they were in costume.  I didn't compliment anyone on their outfits last night, just in case that was how  they looked all the time.  Then it would have gotten ugly, and you don't want ugly on Halloween.

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