Saturday, July 13, 2019

Visiting The Farmer's Market With Wally

My friend Wally (the former Operations Manager of the University of Denver Bookstore) and I went to the Farmer's Market in Cherry Creek this morning to check out the produce they were selling.  Wally is a morning person, and so he picked me up at 7:30 A.M. sharp to drive over there. Our first stop - thank God - was a coffee stand, where we both got regular coffees and were then given samples of two different "nitro cold brews." I have never been fond of cold coffee, no matter how trendy it is. Wally (seen in the photograph on the left) tasted both samples and said it would taste good if only it were hot.  In other words, like the very coffee we were currently drinking.

Wally had a shopping list from his wife Linda, and was disappointed to find that there were not that many produce stands around.  He was able to find lettuce, tomatoes, and zucchinis, but no bell peppers or other things he was looking for.  Evidently the majority of crops in Colorado don't arrive until August.  Good to know.  In any case, there were booths there selling pastries, CBD oil, Colorado hats and tee-shirts, and even a xylophone booth.  Yes - a xylophone booth.  It reminded Wally of the time he was discussing the Lawrence Welk Show with our co-worker Doug, who thought the Lawrence Welk Show caused horrible harm to music in America.  The xylophone player would play a jaunty tune, and then come around front and start tap-dancing.  Doug just recoiled in horror at hearing this.  And come to think of it, a rerun of the Lawrence Welk Show is on tonight on PBS.  Maybe I should call Doug.

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