Thursday, November 4, 2021

Experiencing Fall At The Zoo

I went to the Denver Zoo yesterday afternoon to take a few photographs. It was sunny and pleasant, after several cool and cloudy days, and all the animals were out and about, enjoying the 60 degree temperatures. I was happy to see that the mandrill baby was doing well, although it's mother still insists on keeping it close, and holding on to it's arm 24/7, as seen in the photograph on the left. Granted, it is still only 6 months old, but such overprotectiveness could lead to psychological problems in the future. The zoo's resident animal psychologist should definitely have a talk with that mother. 

The orangutan baby is getting older, which is probably why the father let's it do whatever it wants these days, although that little orangutan still seems to hang out a lot with his dad, as seen in the photograph on the right. Sadly, it's mother passed away a while back, but the father took over the child raising duties, much to the joy of the zookeepers. And I must say, that little orangutan really has lots of energy, climbing up and down and all around, all day long. You have to wait a long time until it stops moving, so you can take a photograph. They used to say the same thing about me, but not any more.

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